Monday, 8 March 2010


I recently got a mention in Mark Watson's blogs about my idea for a Ten Year Self Improvement Challenge (TYSIC). My plan is simple:

"I would like to meet ten people who have inspired me most in my life so far. To make it more doable (Challenge like) I’ll set up a points system e.g. 5 points if I meet them briefly, 10 if I have a conversation with them, and 20 if I spend more than fifteen minutes talking to them. I need to work on the actual list of people, but there are a few people I know I could probably learn a lot from talking to. The point thing is also good if I were to die in the middle of the challenge…"

So the overall plan is to have ten people, celebrities or influential people, to focus on over the next 10 years. I will also use the above point system for non-listed people who I feel can inspire me or would be great to meet. For every listed person I meet, I will gain 50 points for meeting them and 100 if I have a conversation with them.

That was last week; now I thought I'd post the list so I can try and actively keep this going. But firstly, I've been reading a lot of the comments that people have put on his blog. Some naturally are just fans looking for some form of attention, using it to advertise their twitter pages and the like. Others going down the standard life challenges like finding a partner or getting more exercise. However, a few are brilliant and really bring the idea to life; These are my favorites:

Rachael: "I also want to own three goats. I plan to name them Tilly, Tom and Tiny."

Simon: "Run the entire length of the central line; Grow some facial hair."

And my personal favorite, Jackie: "My goal is not to lose weight, eat less and exercise more. It is to except me as I am." Brilliant.

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